
We are always looking for volunteers. You could work with us on a long-term work placement, or it could be to cover one of our summer projects. Whatever you do with us, we will make sure you are fully trained and that you get the very best support and experience.

Our Volunteers

We are  fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who contribute their time and effort to assist us with a range of projects. Without these individuals generously donating their free time, our work would simply not be possible.

Meet our volunteers
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Our Ambassadors

At BSBCIO we believe that having a voice and taking action is a great way to improve your mental wellbeing. Encouraging our young people to find their voice and take action provides the opportunity to generate real community change, something we believe is important.

Find out more more about our Youth Panel and Environmental Ambassadors

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Special Projects

Our summer projects are often one day a week over a five week period. If you are looking for some short-term work experience and would like an insight into working with children and young people, please get in touch.

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While being a placement student at Building Self-Belief I have been able to grow professionally and personally in a supportive environment. I have developed many skills I did not previously have, such as training in Adobe, as well as refine existing skills such as confidence in talking to new people and in groups. I have had a very hands on role within the charity, supporting multiple well-being programmes and being involved in the creation and execution of new projects. It has been both educational and inspirational to see the growth of the individuals who take part in the programmes. I believe that without this placement, I would not have had as full of an understanding of the mental wellbeing of vulnerable children as I do now.

- Sarah Brown, Newcastle University

Work Placements

As part of our partnership with Newcastle University, we provide a year's work placement for a Psychology undergraduate. This is a true partnership in that we get an amazing young person to work with and they get some great experiences to help them decide on a career path that they would like to take after graduating. If other institutions would like to get involved, please get in touch.

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Corporate Support

As part of your social value contribution as a company, you could volunteer to support us on one of our projects. A brilliant example is Haines Watts. As well as nominating us as their charity, they are providing workshops for LinkedIn profiles, mock interviews, and organising visits so that our young people can experience a working environment. Members of staff have also given up their time to conduct podcasts for our Careers section. It would be great if you could offer our young people work experience. We are always open to suggestions , if you can help, please get in touch. 

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Expert Guidance

Kevin Brewerton is from Newcastle originally, is a five times Work Champion Kick Boxer and now lives out in LA. With the brilliance of Zoom, Kevin has provided us with an inspiring podcast, as well as leading question and answer sessions as workshops as inspiration for our young people. Wherever you are in the world, you could help us inspire our young people.

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