Norham Boys | Raising Aspirations and Employability

Aspirations and Future Planning / August 2nd, 2021

Norham Boys | Raising Aspirations and Employability

Building Self-Belief worked with a group of 10 boys form Norham High School in NorthTyneside. It was a real privilege to work with the boys and see them grow in confidence and develop a much greater sense of purpose in their lives.

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / December 18th, 2024

The Meadow Well Teenage Wellbeing Programme With Norham High School

The Meadow Well Teenage Wellbeing Programme, in partnership with Norham High School, aimed to enhance the mental health, self-esteem, and aspirations of teenagers living on the Meadow Well Estate in North Shields. The programme focused on improving community engagement and exploring long-term potential, with an emphasis on employability skills and higher education, particularly in arts and creative industries.

Consett Heritage Project / April 15th, 2024

Brian Stobbs - Consett Heritage Podcast

Brian Stobbs has a wealth of personal knowledge about living in Consett during the era of the steelworks. Having grown up in the heart of Templetown, then primarily an industrial area, his perspective offers a captivating glimpse into Consett's past. Discover what motivated him to stay in Consett and why he chose not to work in the steelworks.

Aspirations and Future Planning / July 1st, 2024

Consett "Bridging the Gap Youth Employability Programme."

The Consett "Bridging the Gap Youth Employability Programme" was kindly supported by Newcastle Building Society via the Tyne and Wear Community Foundation, and The Albert Hunt Trust. As part of this the students consulted the young people of the Consett Area as part of the preparation of the Consett Area Neighbourhood Plan..