Alan Swinburne- Consett Heritage Podcast

Consett Heritage Project / June 15th, 2023

Alan Swinburne - Consett Heritage Podcast

Alan worked at the Steelworks for 17 years in the Technical Research Department. Over the last 20 years he has researched the History of the Steelworks given several talks about his memories of his life at the Works. He also has an extensive collection of photographs and memorabilia from the steelworks. Many of the talks have been to the members of the community to tell them about the heritage of the area. This project is a perfect opportunity for Alan to share his memories and ensure the history of the steelworks lives on.

Consett Heritage Project / March 27th, 2024

John Fox - Consett Heritage Podcast

John has lived his whole life in Consett and tells us all about his experiences working at Consett Steelworks and beyond! He also explains what he has planned for Consett for the future, and how he needs your help to make his dream for Consett a reality.

Consett Heritage Project / March 23rd, 2023

The Consett Iron Company 160th Anniversary - Community Heritage Project Launch

What a delight it was to see so many people from the Consett community at our recent get together on March 16th 2023 for the launch of our Consett Heritage project. This is just the start of our much anticipated Heritage project to celebrate the 160th Anniversary of the opening of the Consett Ironworks.

Consett Heritage Project / September 21st, 2023

Voices of Consett- David

David is 71 years old and was born in the Richard Murray Hospital at Blackhill, which was where everybody was born, and lived on Benfieldside Road in Blackhill. His father was a ‘Bevin Boy’, during the war you were either sent as a soldier or down the mines, if you were unlucky the mines were worse.