Celebrating Black History

Youth Social Action / October 5th, 2022

Celebrating Black History

Our Trustee Gary Jones is honoured to have been invited to a special reception hosted by Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker of the House of Commons. The event is in recognition of Black History month. Members of both Houses, House staff and external guests have been invited. There will also be a temporary artwork installed as part of the event.

Gary is a great supporter of our charity, and at this event he will be particularly focusing on the need to spread awareness about Black Health and Wellbeing.

The Windrush Generation

Gary’s parents were the Windrush Generation and we were thrilled when his mother Clara agreed to be part of our 1950’s Heritage project where shared her story of travelling from the Island Dominica to London, and how she eventually settled in Bradford.

She shared some amazing stores the children of Crookhill Primary School. Please take the time to watch our film about this fabulous project, the children learnt so much!

Appreciating Black History

Understanding the past and putting it into a social and historical context is what we believe underpins and develops the self-confidence of the children and young people we work with. As part of this project, appreciating how tough the 1950s were for children, gave them a greater appreciation of what they have today. But also understanding how exciting the changes were, the trips to space, technology, children's television and how much the children used their imaginations when they all played together in the street. Hearing Clara's story of her trip as a 10-year-old, on the boat with her brother, plus how she had to leave her grandparents behind to meet up with her parents in England, left a lasting impression on the children.


Putting history int o a real context, by getting intergenerational support and getting older people to tell their stories to the younger generation is also a fabulous way to get young people to understand the past and inspire their future. We love our heritage projects; they are truly inspiring.

An Honour

Clara will be bursting with pride that Gary has been invited to attend such a fabulous occasion. From our perspective, we are also looking forward to Gary getting this opportunity to share the work of our charity with the guests at Parliament and we look forward to hearing all about it!

Health and Wellbeing

The fact that the focus of the event it health and wellbeing is also evidence that the work we do as a charity is at the very heart of what is needed to support our young people to succeed in life. Gary acts as an excellent role model for young people as someone who has taken every opportunity offered to him and worked extremely hard to achieve success. Take a listen to his podcast to find out more about his career journey.

We can’t wait to hear all about the event and appreciate the opportunity that this gives him to share our work as a charity at parliamentary level.

Aspirations and Future Planning / July 1st, 2024

Consett "Bridging the Gap Youth Employability Programme."

The Consett "Bridging the Gap Youth Employability Programme" was kindly supported by Newcastle Building Society via the Tyne and Wear Community Foundation, and The Albert Hunt Trust. As part of this the students consulted the young people of the Consett Area as part of the preparation of the Consett Area Neighbourhood Plan..

Relationships and Sex Education / February 28th, 2022

Do we Need a New Social Code for the Digital Age?

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Aspirations and Future Planning / June 16th, 2023

The Tall Wall - When Coaching Works!

No matter what stage you're at in life, having someone to talk to who you can trust is an invaluable addition to your personal and professional life. Thanks to Helen Cowan’s offer from The Tall Wall, this is an additional service we can now offer our staff and volunteers.