Crookhill Primary School 1950's Heritage Project

Youth Social Action / July 31st, 2021

Crookhill Primary School 1950's Heritage Project | Building Self-Belief CIO

Our Heritage project with Crookhill Primary School took the children back to the 1950s. We looked at childhood games, the space race, the children's programmes. We also had visitors to the school who discussed their 1950's childhoods. Clara Jones is one of the Windrush generation and she described the differences between growing up in Dominica and her new life in Bradford. It was a brilliant project and the children and staff were all fabulous.

The following anthology was created by the children of Crookhill Primary School throughout the 2021 summer term. They researched the experiences of people who lived in their home town of Crookhill and the surrounding area during the 1950s, when their communities were in danger of disappearing.

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Insights/Youth Social Action/Crookhill 1950s Master Anthology

494.62 MB

Consett Heritage Project / June 15th, 2023

Alan Swinburne- Consett Heritage Podcast

Alan worked at the Steelworks for 17 years in the Technical Research Department. Over the last 20 years he has researched the History of the Steelworks given several talks about his memories of his life at the Works. He also has an extensive collection of photographs and memorabilia from the steelworks.

Youth Social Action / July 21st, 2023

Shining a Light on Consett Youth – Highly Commended at the NE Charity Awards

As a Consett based charity, Building Self-Belief, were delighted to have made it to the North East Charity awards final on July 19th 2023, in the category of Outstanding Contribution to Social Change for their work with their Consett Youth Panel.

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / March 9th, 2023

Teenage Emotional Wellbeing and Environmental Engagement

Our project used environmental, and creative arts related activities, to support the young people’s emotional wellbeing and self-confidence. The programme’s activities developed their arts-based skills and also included visits to Haystax Inclusive Farm Experience in County Durham, where they participated in a range of environmental based activities.