Peter Shaw 'Shawty' - Consett Heritage Podcast

Consett Heritage Project / October 11th, 2023

Peter Shaw 'Shawty' - Consett Heritage Podcast

Peter is 4th generation Consett Native (Delves to be Specific), his childhood was spent wandering the now desolate and empty railway lines before they were finally pulled up, playing in and around the remains of the then quiet monsters of industry before they were pulled down. It was his time spent in what was left of the steelworks that has led to a lifelong interest into the heritage of 'the works'.

Relationships and Sex Education / February 28th, 2022

Do we Need a New Social Code for the Digital Age?

The topic of setting boundaries in a digital age has concerned me for a while. With the climate of technology changing at such a fast pace, how do we teach our young people to follow an online, as well as a real life, social code?

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / July 18th, 2018

Dealing With Pressures in Education

Building self-belief in our young people is an essential element of their education. I recently received a thank you card from a Year 11 student who said “In such a short time period you have been amazing, thank you so much for helping me and being so kind.

Benfieldside Community Garden / March 22nd, 2024

Benfieldside Community Garden is on the Good to Grow Map!

Benfieldside Community Garden is now on the Good to Grow map - we are delighted to be part of the Good to Grow network, and look forward to being involved in their events!