Teenage Emotional Wellbeing and Environmental Engagement

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / March 9th, 2023

Teenage Emotional Wellbeing and Environmental Engagement

Our project used environmental, and creative arts related activities, to support the young people’s emotional wellbeing and self-confidence. The programme’s activities developed their arts-based skills and also included visits to Haystax Inclusive Farm Experience in County Durham, where they participated in a range of environmental based activities.The project was kindly funded by Consett Rotary Club, with additional support from the County Durham Community Foundation ‘Community Arts & Culture Fund’ and culminated with a final celebratory event, to recognise the achievements of the young people.

Youth Social Action / October 5th, 2022

Celebrating Black History

Celebrate, Educate, Inspire – Our Trustee Gary Jones has been invited to a special reception at Parliament on the 26th October 2022 to celebrate Black History Month.

Youth Social Action / October 19th, 2023

Building Self-Belief Christmas Appeal 2023

At Building Self-Belief, we work with some of the most deprived and vulnerable children in the North East. Christmas 2023 is forecast to be one of the toughest for many years, and we would like to support as many young people as possible.We would be extremely grateful for any donation you can contribute to our Christmas appeal.Help us give our young people a happier Christmas this year!Thank you.

Consett Heritage Project / February 5th, 2024

Voices of Consett - Sadie (The Bra Lady)

Before earning the title of "Sadie the Bra Lady," Sadie Ayton worked in the steelworks following her school years. She initially found employment at Richmond's the Solicitors before transitioning into the role of a 'Ticky Woman,' collecting credit payments by visiting houses.