Edwin Oxley - Consett Heritage Podcast

Consett Heritage Project / November 17th, 2023

Edwin Oxley - Consett Heritage Podcast

Edwin started as an apprentice at the Consett Steelworks in 1961, as a 15-year-old. Over time he developed a whole host of skills and describes the excellent training he received both at technical college in Consett and Gateshead, and on the jobs in the boiler shop, foundry, blast furnace, plate mills - amongst others. He worked in every department! Take a listen to his podcast which gives a fascinating insight into the opportunities made available to him and how this gave him a solid foundation for the rest of his working life. He also gives our young people some great advice!

Consett Heritage Project / October 2nd, 2023

Consett Youth Banner

We are incredibly proud of our new Consett Heritage Project banner celebrating Consett Youth. The slogan the young people created is perfect- 'From the red dust of the past, Consett youth forge a brighter future'. Our plan is to use the banner as a force for good and encourage young people to take the initiative and work together for a better future.

Benfieldside Community Garden / May 2nd, 2024

Good to Grow 2024

Good to Grow 2024 came at a perfect time for our projects at Benfieldside Community Garden. We have done a huge amount of work to clear the site, after years of neglect, and in April we found ourselves ready to plant.

Wellbeing and the Arts / December 19th, 2022

Travelling Home for Christmas | Robson Laidler Christmas Video 2022 - Featuring Building Self-Belief CIO

The Building Self-belief team were delighted to be invited to take part in the Robson Laidler Christmas video, which this year is a parody of Chris Rea’s 'Driving Home for Christmas' video, with a sustainability theme. We performed along with the County Durham Community Foundation and Oases Housing. Please enjoy the video, and feel free to share it!