Investors in the Environment, Building Self-Belief, working towards our Bronze Award.

Youth Social Action / Exercise, Health and Nutrition / Know Your Neighbourhood Project / October 4th, 2023

Building Self-Belief are delighted to be part of the Investors in the Environment, and working towards our Bronze Award.
Building Self-Belief are delighted to be part of the Investors in the Environment, and working towards our Bronze Award.

Consett Heritage Project / February 5th, 2024

Voices of Consett - Sadie (The Bra Lady)

Before earning the title of "Sadie the Bra Lady," Sadie Ayton worked in the steelworks following her school years. She initially found employment at Richmond's the Solicitors before transitioning into the role of a 'Ticky Woman,' collecting credit payments by visiting houses.

Consett Heritage Project / May 14th, 2024

Brian Harrison - Consett Heritage Podcast

Brian Harrison is a local historian and many of you may know him as the company director for the Consett Heritage and Arts Centre. We sat down with him and discussed the origins of his love for history, his thoughts on the most significant moments of the steelworks, and more!

Aspirations and Future Planning / January 27th, 2025

A Guide of the Grants and Funds Available for Young People in Education

Many young people in the north east may be eligible for grants and funds to support them through their education, from places such as Point North, Nat West or Atom Bank. There is a variety of support available for a range of ages and students at different stages of their educational journey, so check out this guide to see if anything is suitable for you!