The Meadow Well Teenage | Community Links & Aspirations Programme

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / August 22nd, 2022

The Meadow Well Teenage | Community Links & Aspirations Programme

Funded by the National Lottery Awards for All Community Fund, we successfully delivered a twelve-week early intervention programme for ten Year 9 girls, selected by the Head of Year, at Norham High School. Our Wellbeing Programme has helped the girls learn how to build better friendships, have a better understanding of how others are feeling and become integral members of the local Meadow Well Community.

To help engage students in their local community, Sarah McDonald, from Meadow Well Connected, delivered a talk on how our young people can reconnect with their community and the volunteering opportunities available outside of school. Our young people now have the opportunity to support these initiatives as future volunteers themselves.

In order to develop their aspirations and cultural experiences, we took the group on a residential visit to London. Many of the young people had never been on a train, never been to London, and never been to the theatre before, so they found the whole trip a revelation. London allowed the young people to develop more confidence in social situations, and many of them pushed themselves out of their comfort zone.

Building Self-Belief CIO delivered a twelve-week programme for ten Year 9 girls, selected by the Head of Year, at Norham High School. Our Wellbeing Programme has helped the girls learn how to build better friendships, have a better understanding of how others are feeling and become integral members of the local Meadow Well Community.

“My favourite part was making new friends and extending my friendship circle with people I am not usually with.”

- Group Participant

Benfieldside Community Garden / May 2nd, 2024

Good to Grow 2024

Good to Grow 2024 came at a perfect time for our projects at Benfieldside Community Garden. We have done a huge amount of work to clear the site, after years of neglect, and in April we found ourselves ready to plant.

Consett Heritage Project / June 7th, 2023

Voices of Consett- Shauna

Shauna's contribution is the first in our series called 'Voices of Consett'. Our aim is to have over 100 editions from a whole variety of people who live in Consett. This is all part of our Consett Heritage Project. There will be recordings of the voices, and they will also be visually represented and form part of our final exhibition.

Consett Heritage Project / March 8th, 2024

Jean Simmons - Consett Heritage Podcast

Our volunteer, Maisie Dobson, conducts an interview with her great-grandma, Jean Simmons, aged 96, discussing life and work in Consett during the peak of the Consett Steelworks era. During the conversation, Jean mentions a royal visit to the steelworks, prompting Maisie to enquire about its accuracy. Upon researching, we discovered that the event did indeed occur. Listen in to enjoy this unique recording, offering insights into the social history of Consett.