Teenage Girls’ Emotional Wellbeing & Aspirations Programme

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / May 11th, 2022

Teenage Girls’ Emotional Wellbeing & Aspirations Programme

Funded by the County Durham Community Foundation, we successfully delivered a twelve-week programme to support vulnerable teenage girls in Stanley, in an area of high socio-economic deprivation. Our project focused on early interventions to prevent longer term mental health issues, paticularly with those who are sufferring due to the impact of COVID-19.

With this group, gender and identity and the impact of isolation during Lockdown had a huge effect on their self-esteem. The group sessions gave some young people an opportunity to discuss being non binary and how this made them feel in relation to their feelings, friendships and personal identity.

We want to say a big thank you to JUMP a design agency in Newcastle, who provided an insight into the world of work. Our young people were very respectful of the professional environment, and they all made very positive contributions to the discussions. The group has helped us to design and create online emotional wellbeing resources for other young people to use in the future

“The programme organised and delivered by BSB has been fantastic. The young people have really enjoyed participating in the sessions and have been able to be completely open, within a supportive environment. We highly recommend the Wellbeing Programme.” ”

- Mr A Bourne, North Durham Academy

Consett Heritage Project / August 30th, 2023

Voices of Consett - Mick

Mick is 86, with a long family history in Consett. All of his family bar one lives in Consett, Blackhill and Leadgate and he has lots of grandchildren living in Consett too. His family background in Consett goes back years and years!

Aspirations and Future Planning / November 30th, 2023

Maddy Parkin - Careers Podcast

Maddy Parkin, 32. Photographer running a business specialising in wedding photography. Her main job role is taking photos of my customers' weddings, however, there is a lot of work that goes into this: editing in creative software, creating online galleries, marketing, blog posts, liaising with customers, writing and amending contracts and creating shot lists, arranging client meetings, and more. Her passion is creativity, and feels her job encompasses all of this. Take a listen and find out more about a career in photography.

Know Your Neighbourhood Project / October 3rd, 2023

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering can be one of the most rewarding things that you can do in life. It takes a very special person to give up their own time to help others in need. As part of our Know Your Neighbourhood programme, you have the opportunity to join our team and make a difference in our community.